Hemp & Herb Plant Fertiliser Sticks


Devonia fertilizer sticks are designed to feed all varieties of Hemp / Cannabis, and Herb plants directly at the roots. The compact slow-release formula deploy’s a constant supply of nutrients without over feeding.

  • Easy to use formula
  • Pre-measured, no mixing or measuring
  • Insert from early spring to late October.
  • Simply insert below the soil surface.
  • Repeat every 90 days.

Pack of 50
NPK 4 – 1 – 5

Pack of 50
NPK 4 – 1 – 5

Just push each spike into the soil around the plant, halfway between the plant stem and the edge of the pot, until the stick is just below the surface.

Water after inserting sticks.

Repeat every 90 days.

specially formulated for Hemp / Cannabis, & excellent for Herb plants (including Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Winter Savoury, Basil).
